
Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called,  with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love...
Ephesians 4:1-2


My son prayed for humility this week. I was impressed by his prayer. That's one prayer the Lord answers immediately!

I then realized I haven't prayed for humility in quite some time.

It is wonderful what the Lord can teach you through your children!

That was Sunday night. The next day at work, my morning devotional was on...humility. Do you think the Lord is trying to tell me something?

Like Christ

My devotional was about how the humility of Christ was shown when He stepped off His throne and descended to earth...not as a King or Prince or mighty Ruler.

No, he descended and became a servant

How many of us are truly servants to those around us? How many of us are willing to leave behind all the comforts of home, roll up our sleeves, and wash someone's feet for them?

That's what Jesus did. 

He took off His crown, stepped off His throne, and rolled up His sleeves to wash His disciples' feet. Why? To leave us a perfect example of what to do. 


We are told in the letters of Paul to the Philippians to be like-minded. We are told to have the same humility of Jesus. We are told in his letter to the Ephesians to walk worthy of the calling with all humility. 

Why? Because this is the example that Christ gave us.

But how many of us truly have the mind of Christ and put other's interests ahead of our own? 

Humbling, isn't it?

When I look in the mirror, I see someone who needs to be in God's word more than I am. I see someone who lacks patience and compassion at times. 

I see someone who needs to pray for humility.

I am so grateful for my son's prayer!  And I am so grateful for my Savior's example of humility for me to follow.

I look forward to seeing how the Lord answers my son's prayer...and my own prayer for humility!

Your turn: In what areas do you lack humility? Have you prayed for humility lately?



  1. God used your son's prayer for humility to humble you? So cool!

    I need to remember that this world is not all about me. I want to take my focus off of myself and put it on God and others. This is the true meaning of humility: realizing others are more important than yourself!

    1. Yep, God used my kid to humble me....again! Happens a lot. You'll see when you become a mommy. ;)

      You are correct: Christ gave us that perfect example of putting others before oneself.

      Thanks for visiting, Lindsay!

  2. Great post on humility Ruth! Something we all struggle with. Jesus is always our greatest example.
    Thanks for sharing.
