
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spiritual Disciplines: Prayer

“LORD, there is no one besides You to help in the battle between the powerful and those who have no strength; so help us, O LORD our God, for we trust in You, and in Your name have come against this multitude. O LORD, You are our God; let not man prevail against You.”
 2 Chronicles 14:11

The Power of Prayer

As one of the youth workers at church, we have been praying to the Lord to help us teach our youth about the power of prayer and the other spiritual disciplines. 

I have seen the power of prayer many times in my walk with the Lord. 

What is the best way to teach this discipline?

For me, the best way to learn about prayer is to DO IT then stand back and watch the Lord work.

Prayer Journal

When I was in prison ministry, we used a prayer journal that the female inmates wrote in each week. They would write down their prayers and then, when the prayer was answered, they would write in the answer.

After a couple of months, we had concrete evidence to show these ladies how the Lord heard them and answered them.

It was a wonderful way to teach them about prayer and show them who God is: the God who hears. 

Prayer and Meditation

Another way to learn prayer is to spend time alone with the Lord praying and listening. Perhaps a walk around the block or in a park? Maybe just a sit out back in the quiet. Any chance you get to be alone with the Lord is a good one. 

Find a set time during the day, get alone, and pray. Then listen as He speaks to you. 

Prayer Groups

I had the awesome opportunity years ago to join a group of moms from my son's school in prayer one morning a week. 

We would meet and pray for our children, the school, and the teachers, It was so amazing to see the Lord work among us and our children. We saw many prayers answered as we learned to pray, let go, and trust in the Lord. 

These are all effective ways to learn the spiritual discipline of prayer. 

We have the most powerful God to help us in our daily battle. Have you tapped into that strength? He is there for you when you have no strength. 

The enemy will not prevail against you. 

How amazing is that?

Talk to God today.

Your Turn: How do you tap into the power of our Mighty God? Have you learned the spiritual discipline of prayer?



  1. Thanks for this reminder! I love keeping a prayer journal. Since I'm a writer, it's the perfect way for me to "talk" to God. I just write out my thoughts as they come. It keeps me focused too, as my mind would tend to wander with silent prayer otherwise!

    1. Yes prayer journals are wonderful! I am going to talk to our teen girls this Sunday about them and how beneficial they can be for the believer.

      Thanks LIndsay!

  2. Awesome post Ruth. It's so true. I just blogged today about my prayer and how God is answering it. I'm amazed by His mercy and grace and blessings. Have a great day! Holly Michael

    1. Thanks for visiting, Holly! I will definitely come by your blog for a look.

