
Friday, April 6, 2012

Remember Me

" this in remembrance of me." 
1 Corinthians 11: 24

In Genesis 1:27 we are told that God created us in His image.

As a result, we are a people who love to remember. 

It's no accident that in the early 2000's memory scrapbooks were the craze! Every mom out there created album after album of photographs and memorabilia dedicated to loved ones.

It's no accident that we have memorials erected in every city dedicated to those who died defending our nation. Memorials to important men and women who accomplished great things.

It's no accident that we have monuments erected in Washington D.C dedicated to our Presidents. 

It's no accident that we love to remember.

We were created in the image of a God who loves to remember as well. 

In Genesis 8, we are told God remembered Noah.

In Genesis 9, we are told He remembers His covenant...

In Genesis 19 we read that He remembered Abraham...

In Genesis 30, God remembered Rachel...

We read that God commands us to remember the Sabbath.

He commands His people to erect monuments to His faithfulness to them.

He is a God Who Remembers

Do we remember Him?

The Apostle Paul instructs in his first letter to the believers in Corinth to take the Lord's supper seriously. He commands that we examine ourselves before approaching the table of the Lord.

"Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup."  1 Cor 11:28

Paul urges believers to stop....examine yourselves. Are you coming to the Lord's table with the right heart? Paul urges us to stop and remember what Christ has done for you.

Do This In Remembrance

This Good Friday, take time and remember all that God has done for you. Remember how He has kept His promises and honored His covenant. 

Remember how He has remained faithful even when you have been unfaithful.

Remember His sacrifice.

Remember His love.

Remember His death.


Your Turn: How will you remember what Jesus did for you this Good Friday?



  1. Beautiful post, Ruth. God is so good. Way better than I deserve. I can't even comprehend his love.

    1. Thanks Lindsay. It is hard to comprehend such a sacrifice...such a love.

      Have a wonderful Easter Sunday!

  2. Hey Ruth,
    Heartfelt post. I don't know when I started doing this but it seems that every Good Friday I return to the words from the hymn, Be Thou My Vision. Here's two of my favorite lines:Thou and Thou only, first in my heart, High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art.

    Have a Blessed Easter,

    1. I know! I just read your blog! ;)

      Such beautiful lyrics. One of my all time favorites.

      Thanks for visiting and blessed Easter to you and yours.
