
Friday, May 4, 2012

A Hated Man

He was one of the most hated men in America. 



But to me, he was inspirational.

When Chuck Colson passed away a few days ago, I was sad but happy at the same time. I was glad he was at rest with the Lord he had served for so many years. But I was sad because of all the lives he touched. He will be missed.

Prison Fellowship

In 2000, I saw Chuck Colson speak in a video at church one night. I was moved by his love for prisoners. At that moment, the Lord pulled on my heart and I got involved in prison ministry.

I had no idea how my life would be forever changed by that decision.

Going out to the women's prison every Tuesday night for many months was not the most convenient thing in the world for me. I had a small son and a loving husband who wanted to spend time with me. But they understood about ministry.

So, there I was talking to the inmates about the Lord hoping their lives would be changed, but it was my heart that was changed the most.


These women had been through hell. Not one told me she was innocent. They all readily admitted to being guilty and worthy of the prison sentence they received. I was humbled. They all were so grateful that we would take time out of our lives to come see them and pray with them and teach them God's word.

They were such a blessing to me.

I wonder how many other lives Chuck Colson inspired. I know he touched so many inmates' lives just by going into the prisons to pray with the men there and tell them about the redeeming love of Christ.

He knew all about it because he had been there.

He was known as Nixon's "hatchet man". He was feared by many politicians during his 4 years in as the President's aide. He admitted he was full of dirty tricks and willing to do anything to help his party to victory.

But all that changed in 1973 when Christ took hold of him and changed his heart of stone into a heart of flesh.

He voluntarily pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice during the Watergate scandal and was sentenced to prison. He served time at Maxwell prison in Alabama as a new Christian. Before being released, Colson was challenged by a prisoner to help him and the other prisoners.

And that's what he did. Colson went back to prison time and time again to share the gospel message because he knew that message of hope is what those prisoners need more than anything else.


But Colson had another ministry that I was also blessed by. Chuck Colson cared deeply about teaching the Christian Worldview. In 2000, I attended a class based on his book, "How Now Shall We Live?" he wrote with Nancy Pearcey.

I had never even thought about what my worldview was before reading his book. Afterwards, I was so excited to share about what I had learned. Colson and Pearcey put forth an excellent argument for the existence of God that every Christian needs to read. 

Together, they claim that the biggest struggle our country faces is the battle between the worldviews: the biblical worldview and the secular worldview.

Yes, Chuck Colson was one of the most hated men in America. 

But he was also redeemed. 

As a result, the Lord used this man in a mighty way. Before you judge, when was the last time you went into the prisons? When was the last time you visited a halfway house?

Chuck Colson was just like the rest of us. A sinful man in need of a Savior. Christ found him one day. Christ used him for many years.

And now many people know Christ as a result. 

"Chuck Colson" from Prison Fellowship located at:



  1. I love his book "The Good Life." He was such an amazing man of God. I just love how God redeemed him and used his past to reach others. So amazing.

    1. Yes! More hope for us failures. God can use us!

  2. What a sweet memorial to Chuck Colson. What a great picture of how God will redeem any life experience and use it as a platform to spread the Gospel.
    Great job, Ruth.

    1. Thanks Susan! I imagine he inspired many writers to pay tribute to him on their blogs.

      It is comforting to know that God uses what the world tosses away.

      Thanks for visiting!


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