
Friday, June 1, 2012

Is It Worth It?

Ok, so I was stumped. I had no idea what to blog about today!

Then I read author Jody Hedlund's blog this morning where she asks is this writing journey worth it.

I thought I'd blog today about why I think this crazy journey is worth it:

My Writing Journey

This spring, I had the wonderful pleasure of visiting some middle graders to talk to them about writing, my personal writing journey, and about how I wanted to quit so many times but kept going.

As I spoke to them, I remembered back to when I first jotted down the synopsis of my book, The Dragon Forest, back in 1989.

I had no idea how my life would change when I made the decision to take that idea and actually write a chapter book. But my life did change!

I told the kids about the late nights of writing while also going to school. I explained to them how hard it was to endure the editing process and revision process, but it made for a better book.

They listened as I told them that they, too, will face rejection and hard times. But the message I wanted to leave them with was one of fortitude. To stay the course when it seems impossible.

Life will sometimes seem impossible.

But there is a hope far greater than mere dreams....

I think of people like Katie Wagner

Katie was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer last fall. She is 16 years old. She has survived and fought through radiation treatments, chemotherapy treatments, and infections.

Even as I write this, she is back in chemo treatments.

Yet this young woman has the fortitude of any great soldier of war. She faces impossible odds with dignity, grace, and fight because she knows that Hope. She knows the source from which it comes.

She inspires me.


After I gave my talk to those middle graders, one little girl came up to me and said, "You inspire me..."  I hugged her and told her those words made my day. She has no idea how her words made my whole life!!

So, you may ask is this crazy journey you are on to become a famous writer worth it all?

As Jody wrote on her blog, it depends what your goal is.

Are you wanting to be the next J.K. Rowling?  Are you wanting to make the best seller lists? Are you wanting to be the next great author that sets all the trends?

Or do you want to spread that message of hope to your audience who may be struggling through their own personal hell?

I have had careers where I have made a lot of money...and yet I had an unfulfilled soul.

Now I have the chance to stand up and talk to middle graders everyday and inspire them to continue on and punch a hole in this world with their words and talents and skills.

Yes, this journey has been worth it. All those rejections, all those revisions, all those nights of struggling to put down on paper what's in my all has been worth it just to know one child was inspired!

Every struggle is worth it if you have that Hope that does not disappoint!

Romans 5:5:"..and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us."



  1. Ruth,

    Thanks for the post. My prayers go out to Katie and her loved ones.

    I am looking for independent authors in the metro Phoenix area who would be interested in making some events at local independent book stores. I just started this project today - nothing formal mind you, but if you are interested, contact me at

