
Friday, June 8, 2012


A Writer's Retreat

Some of my writer friends have posted about the writer's retreats they have taken recently. It sounds so nice to be able to pack up and leave to some secluded place and just write....


I must admit I will have to try this soon!

I wouldn't mind a cabin in the woods....where I could take long walks in quiet coolness and just think.

I once lived 20 minutes from the Atlantic ocean. I failed to take advantage of it! I should have been on that beach everyday. Sigh. 

I think a writer's retreat to the ocean would be a great idea!

Yep. I can see myself sitting right there.

Not much for the snow, but I could definitely see myself here:

I would love to visit New England in fall...and refresh!

Your turn:  Where would you go for a writer's retreat? 



  1. Ooo, that first one looked the best. A cabin up north during the summer. Fairly secluded but where it's nice and cool. I wanna go!!

    1. I know right?? I could see myself in that cabin just writing and writing...then taking long walks for breaks or even runs along a path.




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