
Friday, June 15, 2012

VBS- That's What It's All About!

Vacation Bible School!!

What a Week!

I didn't have time to blog this week because of Vacation Bible School at our church. So, I thought I'd blog about our week here...

When I signed up to teach at VBS a couple of months ago, I wasn't too sure what to expect. I have taught at VBS before, but it's easy to forget how much energy and work goes into that one week in June.


I am exhausted!  Mostly because I am also working fulltime, so teaching after work makes for a very long day.  Dealing with 17 kids after work makes for a very long night.


What's It All About?

And being exhausted can easily make one cranky. I had to pray hard all this week NOT to be cranky with my kids in my class.

God is good in that He helped me out. He gave me a group of great kids who made me smile each night with their silliness and with how they recited their Bible verses.

But He also showed all of us teachers and volunteers what VBS is all about:

God revealing Himself to all these wonderful children.

During the week, two kids in the middle grade classroom asked to talk more about Jesus, their sin, and salvation. Both sought the Lord. Both found Him there at VBS.

Praise God!!

My son, acting as the Bad Guy in our VBS play!

Fun watching the play at VBS

Thank You For Giving to the Lord

Thank you to all our teachers, volunteers, and parents. I know a lot of hard work goes into this week.

As our VBS week is coming to an end. I won't lie and say I'm not happy about that.

I am!

But a part of me is a bit sad. I will miss seeing those kids running around the church, singing the silly songs, and laughing together.

I thank the Lord that He is so gracious to give us a glimpse of what it will be like in glory when all we do is worship Him, sing songs, laugh, and learn more about His ways.


I am off to teach at another VBS...only this one will be in Slovakia!  And I will have interpreters in my classroom to help me communicate with my kids. I will also be teaching art as well as Bible lessons.

Am I crazy or what??

I will be prepared, though. This week has helped me to remember just how much work goes into each day, but also how much fun there is to he had by all.

Thank You, Lord, for this chance to make a difference in a child's life. I pray that we will see a child...just out the Lord, pray to Him, and be forever changed.

That's what VBS is all about!



  1. Whoa, VBS in Slovakia?! That sounds amazing and exciting. :)

    1. Yes! It will be. I was able to participate in 2009 and had a blast. Am looking forward to seeing the kids again. So fun!! :D

  2. Wow! Amazing stuff! You'll be in my prayers! :)

    1. Thanks Jessica! Exciting times....your prayers are appreciated. I will be posting on Facebook from Slovakia, so you'll see my updates and photos.

  3. Have fun, friend! And when you get back, a whole other adventure awaits!!! Woo hoo!
