
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

English Camp 2012

"I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him will bear much fruit. For apart from me, you can do nothing."    - John 15:5

Dobri Den from Lucenec, Slovakia!!

I am here teaching at the English Camp 2012 and loving every minute of it! So far, we have been able to tour Budapest, Hungary and enjoy a Slovakian barbecue which consists of venison Gulash. 

Needless to say, we are having a great time!

English Camp

My class is made up of 11 students...the best ever!  I love these kids. They are super smart and eager to learn English (and teach me Slovak!). Along with my two lovely translators, Nicky and Dominicka, we are having fun playing games, listening to Bible stories (The Prodigal Son today...) and learning English words. 

We teach in a small school in town during the morning then after lunch I teach an art class. I have about 12 students in my class along with some translators who love to do art projects too!

Feet to Faith

So why am I here?  I am here to spread the gospel message to these kids both in words and in deeds. I want them to see Christ in me. I smile and laugh and giggle with them as well as serve them. Somewhere in there I teach them too. 

But the second reason I am here is to teach my son, Nathan, an important lesson. 

I want my son to see that we are to put feet to our faith. I am here to show him that sometimes we are to leave our comfortable home, loved ones, and friends to go somewhere far away and share God's message of hope. 

Sometimes we are called to walk across the street!

But the life of a Christian is on of action. So that is the lesson I want to leave him with. learn what others are doing for Christ all over the world. It is amazing!

Well, that's what I am up to. I will be back in the USA in 10 days. We will visit Poland this weekend. I hope to blog about that experience!

Your turn: How do you see the Christian faith? As a verb or just a noun?



  1. Ruth,
    How exciting! I love what you're doing and I'm sure your students do too. So what have your students taught you? And our Christian faith must be a verb. And that's not always easy. The best thing to do is exactly what you are doing. Build relationships. Can't wait to hear more. Have a safe trip home.

    1. Thanks Jillian! It really has been a blessing. My students have taught me the importance of slowing down, patience, and kindness. They make me smile all the time! This has been a most rewarding trip. Can't wait to blog about it!

  2. Ruth,
    Can't wait to hear more about your trip! And yes, I love the idea of the word "Christian" being a verb, not noun. All 3 of my older children have been on mission trips -- and it has grounded their faith in reality, making it their own. I want the same for my youngest child. As a matter of fact, we just talked about that the other day.

    1. Hey that is great Beth. I would love for my son to go on a mission trip someday. I will commit it to prayer. I feel the best way for a Christian to truly know what it's like to serve God is to get out of their comfort zone, leave things behind, and go!

      Thanks for visiting !
