
Friday, July 20, 2012

Where Would You Go?

As many of you know, I had the privilege of serving the Lord on a short term mission trip this summer in Slovakia. 

I am convinced that serving the Lord in another part of the country or the world is a great way to get your mind off your circumstances and the materials things of this world.

 It helps your get your focus on the Lord, the needs of others, and the importance of the gospel message.

So if you had the chance to serve the Lord out of this country....where would you ask to be sent? Where do you feel the Lord is pulling you? 

Have a blessed weekend everyone!!



  1. I've been to Thailand, but one day I will be in India. My heart has always been over there. Love the mission, Project Rescue!

    1. Me too! Our pastor visits our missionary brother, Dr. Issac Shaw, in New Delhi regularly. I am giving the first $1,000 earned from book sales to their project:

      They create sewing centers for the Indian women there so they can earn some money. Dr. Shaw's wife leads Bible studies in the sewing centers so the women also hear the gospel.

      My $1,000 will be enough to start another center. Yay!

      One day I'd love to go there and see the centers for myself. I will pray you get to India one day soon.


      Thanks for visiting!

  2. I don't know where I'd go. I've never felt called to missions in terms of going. Instead, I've felt called to give and support missionaries. But if I were to go somewhere, I guess somewhere in Europe. :)

    1. Pray about it! There are so many wonderful opportunities to serve. Lord willing I'm heading back to Slovakia in 2014...maybe you could join me! I hope to serve in the women's ministry next time. They'd love to hear you sing! What a blessing that would be.

      The host church has an incredible choir. They love music!
