
Sunday, September 16, 2012

It's Writers Conference Time!!

Dallas, Texas

It's That Time Again!

Almost a year ago I attended my first writers conference with my friend and fellow writer, Lindsay Harrel. It was the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) conference in Arizona.

This year Lindsay and I are headed for the ACFW conference in Dallas, Texas this week!!

We are so excited!

The Conference Experience

I have only attended the smaller conferences so far, so this will be my first BIG conference where I get to mingle with other writers from all over the country. 

I will also sit in on some classes facilitated by some popular authors of many genres and listen to big time literary agents speak about the business. 

I have signed up for so many classes, I can't even remember which ones!

Lindsay and I can't wait to meet some of the writers we've met through social networking.

For me, the most exciting part is that my book, The Dragon Forest, will be for sale there at the conference and I will see it on the display table.

How exciting is that?

Are you planning on attending?  If so, what are your plans? Will you pitch a book idea to an agent? Will you attend many workshops?

Since I have no manuscript to pitch, I am planning on mingling with other writers to find a critique partner and /or mentor. 

I don't know what the Lord has in store for my writing, but I do know I am going to take advantage of this time to meet new people and network. Conferences are great opportunities for networking. 

God is good!  Hope to see you there in Dallas!



  1. I will see you there, Ruth! Looking forward to meeting you in person!

  2. Don't forget to take a nap! I'm missing it but I'll live through all you who are going and will be sharing stories till this time next year in Indianapolis. Have fun!
