
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fun Fridays!

Why NaNoWriMo?

Last year, I participated in this event with the idea that I would complete a novel in one month.

I completed a novel in one month.

And it nearly killed me!

Okay, well, that's not true.  But all that sitting ruined my back and it took me a month to recover!

So, why am I participating again this year?

Because I’m a glutton for punishment….and the event motivates me to WRITE almost everyday.
And I need to complete a book to send to an interested literary agent.


This Friday blog post, I’m wondering what motivates YOU to write? Are you participating in NaNoWriMo? If so, why on earth would you do that to yourself?

Just kidding.

I’d love to know what motivates you to follow your dream of completing a novel in one month!


Thursday, November 8, 2012

God is in Control

"If God maintains sun and planets in bright and ordered beauty, he can keep us."
  -F.B. Meyer

After this election season, I know many people have a certain trepidation regarding the next four years.

What will happen?

Will the debt the U.S. acquired ruin the economy?

What about our children? How will they be affected by this debt?

What about our Constitutional rights?

Many questions. Much fear.

But one thing that has gotten me through the little panic attacks I’ve experienced since the night of November 6, 2012, is this:

God is in Control

Yep. Our God, the One True God, is in control over everything.

We can find rest in this. We can have peace.

I asked my dear friend and mentor, Ingrid, if she would share on my blog about a time when she knew God was in control over everything.

Here’s what she shared…

 "I don’t ever feel that I have everything under control but I do take things for granted and then I realize how in an instant God can change my comfortable state and make me aware that He is lovingly in control.  When this happens, He is checking if I still love and trust Him in spite of the situation.  So much of what happens in life is a test.

I would like to relay an incident where God was in complete control and He supplied everything I needed to carry me through.

Six years ago I came home from work and found my husband dead of a heart attack.  As shocking as it was, God provided some special memories to ease the pain... 

The morning of that day my husband woke up early (that doesn't usually happen) and he kissed me and told me he loved me.  This was his day off so I called him at lunch and God gave me a chance to talk to him.  When I came home and found him I called my friends and before I knew it my house was filled with people who cared. 

God even spoke comfort to me through the days’ message on my calendar. Amazingly it said,  “Those we love are with the Lord and the Lord has promised to be with us.  If they are with Him and He is with us, they can’t be far away.”  

During those next few days, God gave me a strength that I did not know that I had.  In Psalm 46:1 it says that God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in time of trouble.  In Isaiah 46:10 it tells us not to fear because He is with us. 

God took an out of control day and brought me peace."


How amazing is that? 

We can read in Ingrid’s story just how near our God is to His children. We can read just how personal our God is.

He spoke to Ingrid in ways she could understand.

She knows her God is in control of everything because He has shown her this time and time again.

Praise Him, indeed.

So, as we move on from this election season to the next, we can rest assured that our God is sovereign.

Nothing surprises Him.

Nothing on this earth will prevail against Him.

All things are in His control.

Our God is sovereign.

And He is still on the throne.



Thursday, November 1, 2012

For His Glory

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. 
Colossians 3:23-24

I read a wonderful blog post this week about a Christian writer who made every effort to use her work all for the glory of God.


After reading about this wonderful lady who is now with Jesus in heaven, I couldn’t help but be reminded of how all we do as believers, we must do for the glory of God.

Does that mean we writers must write ONLY Christian stories about Christians?

I don’t believe so.

But it means that our work…whether it is art, music, writing, or anything else…must be for His glory.

All that we produce must matter in the eternal.


There is much temptation in this world to walk away from God’s truth and glorify ourselves.
But, as we are reminded in God’s Word, we have a Savior who showed us how to resist temptation:

Hebrews 4:15
“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.”

 Jesus was tempted in very specific ways by Satan…

Satan tempted Jesus with food. Why? He wanted Jesus to doubt God’s care for even His most basic needs. How often do we fall for that lie?

Satan then tempted Jesus to doubt God’s love for Him by suggesting He jump off the pinnacle and test whether God would be there to save Him or not.  How often do we doubt God’s love for us on a daily basis by focusing on our circumstances and not on His very promises?

 Finally, Satan tempted Jesus with glory and power without the horrible pain of the Cross. Oh, believers, how often are we tempted with this lie?  Satan tells us we can “have it all” without having to suffer as Jesus suffered.

And yet how did Jesus respond to this temptation?

“It is written…”

Jesus constantly directed Satan to the Word of God which cuts deeper than a double-edged sword!

Although Christians will continue to be tempted while here on earth, we must always endeavor to use our talents and abilities to glorify God.

Your writing is a gift.

Give that gift back to the Lord!

What we do with our gifts should matter in the eternity.

Remember that the next time you sit before a blank page on the computer screen.
