
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fun Fridays!

Why NaNoWriMo?

Last year, I participated in this event with the idea that I would complete a novel in one month.

I completed a novel in one month.

And it nearly killed me!

Okay, well, that's not true.  But all that sitting ruined my back and it took me a month to recover!

So, why am I participating again this year?

Because I’m a glutton for punishment….and the event motivates me to WRITE almost everyday.
And I need to complete a book to send to an interested literary agent.


This Friday blog post, I’m wondering what motivates YOU to write? Are you participating in NaNoWriMo? If so, why on earth would you do that to yourself?

Just kidding.

I’d love to know what motivates you to follow your dream of completing a novel in one month!


1 comment:

  1. Go, Ruth, go!! You can do it!

    I'm not officially participating, because I had started my book already, but I'm trying to finish this first draft by the end of November. I've got lots of work to do over Thanksgiving weekend!
