
Thursday, October 11, 2012

25 Random Things About Me...

I've been blogging now for almost a year. I started out blogging about spiritual things, writing tips I have learned, and about almost anything really!  I have learned a lot about blogging this past year. 

Recently, my friend, Gabrielle Meyer blogged a list of 25 random things people may not know about her. I thought it was a fun idea, so here's my list!

1. I am an Arizona Native. That's rare these days!  I grew up in Phoenix and attended Cholla Elementary school and Cortez High School. Go Colts!

2. I was born in a car. a car! My dad delivered me. He and mom were on their way to the hospital when my mom told him to pull over. Right there on the 7th ave & Jefferson bridge in downtown Phoenix, I was born. Way to go mom and dad! 

3. I am the youngest of four. I was very spoiled. Still am. Heh. 

4. I married my high school sweetheart...well, almost. We went to prom together, but didn't get serious until after high school. We've been together since 1985. We were married in 1988. Next year is the BIG 25th anniversary!!

5. I am a professional artist. I love drawing and painting, but drawing is my favorite. I wish I had more time to create art. Someday...

6. I am also a published author. Yay! My first book, The Dragon Forest, was released in 2011. The sequel is almost done...almost!

7. I have run 2 marathons and am training for my third. One thing I have learned about marathons, is that the training part is probably worse than the actual run. But it's worth it in the end. I feel accomplished!

8. We have lived in North Carolina when Scott was in the Marine Corps. This was back in 1989-1991. A beautiful state, I long to move back there and retire. I miss the change of seasons and the beach. 

9. My mom's mother was born in Mexico. I have never been to Mexico before! I probably should visit. 

10. I have visited Paris, France; Budapest, Hungary; Krakow, Poland; and Lucenec, Slovakia. All wonderful countries. I hope to visit Italy soon. I love to travel and hope to travel through Europe someday with the hubby. 

11. I have seen Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in Poland. Quite the experience. Life changing. 

12. I have been on 2 mission trips to Lucenec, Slovakia. Both trips have been life changing as well. So much fun to visit Slovakian friends and meet the children there at English Camp. God is doing wonderful work there. 

13. I have visited 14 states in the USA. I hope one day we can travel and see ALL 50 states. 

14. I worked as a bailiff for Superior Court Judge Michael O'Melia. That was such a fun time!! I worked with wonderful people and saw some interesting criminal court cases including a death penalty case where I sat about 4 feet away from a mass murderer. Scary stuff. 

15. I have one son. He's the best! I am bless to be called his mom. We wanted more children, but the Lord said, "No."  So I have learned to be content. I do pray for many grandkids, though!

16. I am a BIG STAR WARS fan!!! I am a geek, yes I know.  I saw the 1977 film 26 times in the movie theatre when I was 10 yrs old. Woo hoo!! 

17. I love old movies!! I love old musicals best. I think Singing in the Rain is my all time favorite. I love Sound of Music, Grease, Doris Day movies, Gone With the Wind, Bad and the Beautiful, Jezebel...all the old ones!

18. I love to write. I think I write because I have so many stories in my head just wanting to come out. I know writers aren't supposed to switch genres, but I have so many stories that do not align with just ONE genre, that I can't stick within the almighty rules of writing...sorry, Chip MacGregor!

19. I am teaching myself to play piano. I hope to have time, someday, to take lessons. There's so many songs I want to play!

20. I am old fashioned and a traditionalist at heart. I think I probably should have been born in the 1930's and lived through the 40's. But the Gilded Age is my favorite historical period as far as architecture and American history. I love reading about the Vanderbilt's and even visited the Biltmore Estate built during the Gilded Age. 

The Biltmore Estate, Asheville, NC

21. I love to read non-fiction even though I write fiction. Go figure!  I love to read autobiographies, history books, biographies, theological books, and Bible study books. One day I hope to write some non-fiction since it's my first love. Lord willing!

22. I am a teacher. Right now I teach writing to middle grade kids. I hope to someday teach art, but that's up to the Lord. Since I love to write, it's fitting for me to be a writing teacher right now. I love being with my target audience. They are the best!

23. I love Mexican food the best, but Chinese food is a close second. I love to cook, but wish I had more time to indulge in it!

24. I love teaching God's Word. I pray that one day I will be able to return to prison ministry and teach God's Word to the inmates. I was able to participate in prison ministry 12 years ago and miss it. Something to pray about!

25. I am a Child of God saved by His grace and not by my works. I thank the Lord everyday that He chose me, sanctified me, and uses me. My walk with the Lord hasn't been a perfect one. I walked away from Him for 3 years when I was in college. But it took my living in the dark to appreciate the Light. I am thankful that He has given me a strong faith that I hope to pass on to my son. The Lord proves Himself to me everyday and I praise His name for giving me the life I have. 

Well, that's me in a nutshell!  Please tell me some interesting fun facts about you!



  1. I love old movies, too, and always feel soooo happy when I meet someone else who has similar movie tastes. :) Loved hearing about the places you've traveled, too. :)

    1. Yes!! Old movies are so great. We watched Mr. Smith Goes to Washington the other night. Such a classic. Musicals are fun! Yes I hope to travel more when promoting my books...ha ha! A girl can dream. :)

  2. Love your 25 Things, Ruth! One thing that struck me as I read your list is how much you desire to do with your life - I love it! I also love when people have goals, dreams and desires - and you've got them in abundance!! It makes life worth living. :) Fun to get to know you better.

    1. I noticed I did write "someday" a few times! Dreams do make life worth living...

  3. That's so awesome that you were born in a car!! Haha.

    1. Yep, a car. My dad delivered me. Its that family story that gets told every year.
