
Friday, October 19, 2012

The Closeness of the Infinite

It may seem strange to think of the closeness of the Infinite. 

What comes to your mind when you think of Infinity?

 This week I thought a lot about how close God is to His children. I felt His presence all around me. I sit at my desk each morning alone in my classroom surrounded things to do: 

 Grade papers 
 Straighten a messy room 
 File papers 
 Plan lessons
 Answer emails 
 Listen to messages
Make copies

 ...yet in the midst of it all, I heard that voice asking me to stop, read His word, and pray.

 Special Revelation 

Sometimes I immediately obey, while other times I say, "In a minute..." 

 And eventually, when I do sit down and open His word, He shows me something wonderful about Himself that leaves me in awe.

 That's how His word is. Amazing and awesome. 

 General Revelation reveals many things about God: 

 His power and creativity. 
 His beauty and artistry 

 But it is through Special Revelation that we learn about who God is and just how close He is to His children. 

The One Revealed 

 Oswald Chambers once wrote, "We do not worship the book, but the One whom the book reveals." 

 Praise God indeed. 

 I am so grateful that God chose to reveal Himself through the written word! 

Oh how I love to read it even when it convicts me of my sins, as painful as that may be.

I am comforted. I am challenged. But I never walk away unchanged. 

That's how the Infinite connects with the finite....

 I am so grateful that the Infinite chose to be known, chose to be near, chose to meet me in my classroom all week, and chose to be my Savior. 

I cherish the closeness of the Infinite. I pray you do too. 

Deuteronomy 4:29
"But from there you will seek the LORD your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul."

Your turn: How has God drawn near to you this week?

 Blessings, Ruth

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