
Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!!! Hello 2013...

Welcome 2013!

As I say goodbye to 2012 forever, I look forward to 2013 with much joy and eagerness because I know it's going to be a challenging, inspiring, and unforgettable year.

Looking Back

I set some goals for myself in 2012. Some were met, others were not. I remember anticipating the start of classes toward my doctoral degree with Grand Canyon University. However, that did not happen.

And that's okay!

I remember anticipating my manuscript, The Warfare Club, being picked up by a literary agency. However, that did not happen.

And that's okay, too!

What did happen?

I did accomplish a few things in 2012...

I managed to blog weekly for most of the entire year. That was a major milestone!

I managed to run a half marathon after a back injury. That was an accomplishment.

I was hired to teach Wiring and now have my own classroom. God was gracious.

The Lord allowed me to go back to Slovakia in June. He was also gracious in allowing me the chance to visit Poland and see Auschwitz. A life changing event...

And I was able to write more than I have ever written before in my life! I finished two manuscripts this year.

God is so gracious in what He provides for us.

Goals for 2013

I'm a goal-oriented person. So, here's a list of goals for this year:

  • To be more consistent in blogging.
  • Start an author web site.
  • Complete The Dragon Forest trilogy.
  • Be part of the mentoring ministry at our church.
  • Finish a Bible study I wrote many years ago. 
  • Draw more! Paint more!
  • Go to Hawaii with my husband to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary!
  • Mentor my son as he starts college to study art. 
  • Be a better teacher for my students. 
  • Listen more, talk less. 
  • Run a marathon.
  • Run an ultra-marathon (52 mi)
  • Be a better wife and mother.
  • Be a better friend.
  • Be a mentor.
  • Make new friends!

So, as the year comes to an end and another year starts, I can look back on 2012 and see God's hand over my life. I can see when He picked me up and carried me and I can see when He let me fall and pick myself up. He showed me that I am stronger and smarter than I thought I was.

I am so grateful for my family and our good health. God worked on my heart this year and helped me work through some issues with resentment and bitterness I have been clinging to. I am not perfect, but am a work in progress.

God has so much in store for us this year. I pray He blesses you with every spiritual blessing!

What goals do you have for 2013? 

Happy New Year!


  1. Hi Ruth,

    That is a great list of goals. In order to do that list I believe I have the answer to accomplish it all: Get closer to God. =)

    My list is simple,
    Get closer to God, finish the trilogy in my book series, start the next trilogy, finish my associates degree in Graphic Design.

    Have a Fabulous New Year!


    1. So true Dan! God is sovereign over all. You know what they say about making future plans..."If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your future plans!"

      He is in control over everything. I think that's why it is so fun to look back on the year and see His hand over all.

      I wish you success in all you do this year!

