
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Appreciate Your Life

Think About It...What Do You Appreciate?

On Monday, my boss announced to all of us in a meeting that one of our co-workers lost her husband to cancer last week after a long battle.

All of us stood in shocked silence. 

I thought of my co-worker and how she loved her husband. She called him her best friend.

I immediately thought of my husband and what we have together.

He is my best friend, too.

When I arrived at home, I made sure to hug him and tell him how much I love him.

I hate cancer.

I have lost so many friends to this disease and I have had many friends lose their loved ones to it.

Certificate of Appreciation

As a result of the news, I have spent much time this week appreciating what I have in my life. 

My husband. 
Our healthy son.
Our home.
Our life together. 
We laugh, a lot. 
We tease each other, a lot.

Of course, I asked God why. Why do so many people...young and old and every age in between...have to fight this terrible disease?

But I know the answer. 

 "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."  Romans 8:28

All things work together for good...even death. 

So, how will you take the time to appreciate what you have this week? What words will you use to express that appreciation?

Life is short. 

Don't let it go by without appreciating it. 



  1. Love your perspective, Ruth. Because at any time, while we're busy striving for something else, our time on this earth could be up. So why not appreciate what we have NOW instead of worrying what we could have?

    1. So true, Lindsay. It's a good reminder to slow down and take a look around at what we have!
